Proper Elements Catalogs

The catalogs contain proper orbital elements of numbered asteroids and main-belt comets computed numerically by means of a synthetic theory by Knežević & Milani (2000,2003).

There are however some differences between the procedure proposed by aforementioned authors and the one used to produce the catalogs available here:

Asteroid proper orbital elements (available for 1,307,229 objects in total, as of January 2025):

Numbered asteroids (741,337 objects):

Multi-opposition asteroids (473,312 objects):

Single-opposition asteroids (92,580 objects):

Information on the format of the catalogs:

The format of files containing proper elements:

The format of files containing standard deviations of proper elements residuals:

Referencing the proper elements dataset:

If your publication is based on the asteroid proper elements dataset, please cite the following work as a general reference for the AFP portal:

Bojan Novaković, David Vokrouhlický, Federica Spoto and David Nesvorný: Asteroid Families: properties, recent advances and future opportunities 2022, Celest Mech Dyn Astro, 134, id. 34