Stardust-R: the H2020 Space Debris and Asteroid research network

Meeting with high school students from I.T.I.S. G. Galilei

Marco Fenucci (@OnFenu) - March 8, 2021

On 27th February 2021 the project ESR Marco Fenucci, based at the University of Belgrade, held an online meeting with young students of the public secondary school I.T.I.S. G. Galilei of Livorno, Italy. The meeting fell under the part of activities known as PCTO ("Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e per l’Orientamento"). PCTO is a program of the Italian secondary school system which combines both school-based and work-based trainee-ships, with the aim of addressing students to their future profession and/or university career.

Due to the COVID-19 emergency, the meeting has been organized online using the Google Meet platform. Marco met students from six classes of the last three years (namely, 3A INT, 4A INT, 5A INT, 3B INT, 4B INT, 5B INT), and delivered a presentation titled “Perché studiare gli asteroidi: scienza, opportunità e salvaguardia del pianeta” (“Why study asteroids? Science, opportunities and planetary defense”) with a total duration of about 45 minutes.

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In the presentation he first introduced the Stardust-R project and its mission, later he discussed why it is important to study asteroids, what are the current scientific and commercial opportunities, and the challenges of the research and technological work. Finally, he briefly introduced his research work within Stardust-R. Students resulted to be intrigued by our work, and particularly interested in the threat of asteroid impacts, as well as the usage of asteroid resources for commercial purpose. Several questions and a lively discussion session followed the presentation.

The slides of the presentation are available here. Other photos of the event follow.

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